
Personal Loans Tailored for You!

Unlock your financial potential with our personalised personal loan solutions. Whether you’re looking to cover unexpected expenses, pursue your dreams, or consolidate debt, our flexible options cater to your unique needs and aspirations.

We’re here to save you time and money!

Your Path to Financial Flexibility

Empower Your Dreams with Personal Loans!

Whether you’re seeking to streamline your finances, acquire a new car, or undertake minor home improvements, a personal loan presents an ideal solution to make your aspirations a reality.

Is a Personal Loan Right for You? Here’s When to Consider It:

  • When you require swift access to funds to achieve a financial milestone
  • When alternative loan options are not providing the necessary amount
  • When you seek flexible repayment choices
  • When you prefer not to use a credit card for substantial purchases

Is a personal loan right for you?

With a personal loan, you gain access to a significant sum of money, allowing you to meet diverse financial goals, from consolidating debts to funding significant purchases. The absence of collateral requirements eliminates the need to pledge a valuable asset, making personal loans an accessible option for a broader range of individuals.

This flexibility is particularly advantageous for individuals who do not own a home or possess assets of substantial value, as they can still access the financial resources they require. Additionally, personal loans often offer competitive interest rates, making them an attractive alternative to credit cards or other forms of borrowing.

Whether you’re planning a major expense, striving to consolidate debts, or pursuing your aspirations, a personal loan offers a reliable avenue to secure the funds you need, regardless of your homeownership status or available assets.

Explore the Benefits

Comprehensive Benefits of Manuka Money's Secured Loans!


Unlock Financial Flexibility with Borrowing Ranging from £15,000 to 1.5 Million.


Receive a Complimentary Property Valuation.


Say Goodbye to Upfront Fees and Hidden Charges.


Explore Generous High Loan-to-Value Choices.


Access Tailored Solutions for Poor Credit Scores.


Trust in Our Repeatedly Awarded Services at ManukaMoney.co.uk.

Discover the Insights That Truly Matter!

These real-life experiences offer a glimpse into the world of Manuka Money. Learn first-hand how we've transformed aspirations into reality, providing tailored mortgage solutions and unwavering support.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can apply for a personal loan?

Anyone can apply but you will need to have some sort of income to be accepted. The lenders prefer you have been employed for more than 6 months. Some lenders will consider self-employed and other forms of income.

Whatever your situation, you will need to convince the lender that you can afford the monthly repayments. The lender wants to know that you can repay the whole of loan over the term that has been agreed.

How do I get the money?

If you are accepted for the loan, the money will be paid directly into your online bank account or standard bank / building society account. You will need a bank account to be excepted for a personal loan.

This is because most lenders will want you to repay the loan by direct debit. They also like you to have a debit card or credit card linked to the bank account.

Can I get a loan if I am not a UK resident?

Most lenders will want you to be a UK resident and earn your income in the UK. I also want to see that your wages are paid into a UK sterling bank account. There are some specialist lenders that may look at your personal circumstances if you are a UK national but not a UK resident.

Representative Example for secured loans: based on borrowing £18,000 over 120 months. Interest Rate: 5.5% fixed for 60 months with instalments of £213.33. Followed by 60 months at the lenders standard variable rate of 5.7% with instalments of £214.36. Fees: Broker fee (£1,062); Lender fee (£595). Total amount payable £25,756.4 comprised of; loan amount (£18,000); interest (£6,004.4) including broker fee and lender fee. Overall cost of comparison 7.902% APRC. This means 51% or more of our clients receives this rate or better for this type of product. We have arranged borrowing with rates from 4.9% to 29% APRC which has allowed us to help customers with a range of credit profiles. We are a broker not a lender.

Secured Loans have a minimum term of 36 months to a maximum loan term of 360 months. Maximum APRC charged 29%.

Think carefully before securing other debts against your home. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage or other debt secured on it.

If you are thinking of consolidating existing borrowing, you should be aware that you may be extending the terms of the debt and increasing the total amount you repay.